bequeme Dessous

aus hochwertigen Materialien

We want to create more transparency and appreciation for the production of your clothes. Because we think it is important that all workers and those involved along the supply chain are doing well.
Coco Malou lingerie is lovingly handcrafted in Portugal. We are regularly on site to see the conditions for ourselves and work closely with the production team. Here we would like to show you some of the faces behind Coco Malou.

fair production Coco Malou in Portugal seamstress fashion revolution
fair production Coco Malou in Portugal sewing workshop sustainable underwear These experts have years of experience making lingerie products. They do a wonderful job and are responsible for ensuring you receive high quality when you shop with us. We would like to say a big thank you!
fair production Coco Malou in Portugal seamstress fashion revolution

We are part of the fashion revolution movement and want to actively change something in the industry! That's why we show you who makes your beautiful lingerie and guarantee you that we would never support child labor, forced labor, slavery or exploitation.


Coco Malou stands for ethically produced, sustainable underwear, proudly made in Portugal.

good working conditions fashion revolution Coco Malou fairly produced lingerie
fair working conditions fashion revolution Coco Malou eco lingerie


proudly made in Portugal

Die Dessous von Coco Malou werden in liebevoller Handarbeit in Portugal hergestellt. Wir sind hier, um mehr Transparenz und Wertschätzung für die Produktion deiner Kleidung zu schaffen. Denn wir finden es wichtig, dass es den ArbeiterInnen entlang der Lieferkette gut geht und du guten Gewissens bei uns einkaufen kannst.

female founded & led

Coco Malou ist eine junge, unabhänginge Brand, die keinen großen Konzern oder Investoren hinter sich hat. Inhabergeführt und voller Leidenschaft setzen wir uns für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und female empowerment ein.